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USB VID申请注意事项

发布时间2020-04-08 所属分类:USB VID申请

USB VID申请注意事项

     USB(Universal Serial BUS,通用串行总线)简称USB,在使用时通常需要申请VID和PID,其中VID(Vender ID供应商识别码),PID(Product ID产品识别码);每一个USB设备都有VID和PID;其中,VID是由供应商向USB-IF(Implementers Forum 应用者论坛)申请。每一个供应商的VID,企业需要支付费用购买并不是免费的,知倍客可以帮助企业购买。而PID是由供应商自行决定;



申请VID的费用方面一般是6000美金Please note that the VID number is a one-time payment of $6,000.00, and the Trademark License Agreement is $3,500.00 every two years. This would mean an initial payment of $9,500.00. Membership is a much more economical way to acquire a VID number. Membership is a $5,000.00 annual fee. The Trademark License Agreement fee is waived for members. This means your initial cost would only be $5,000.00. If you would not be using the benefits that membership provides, you can cancel your membership at any time. Your VID number would remain active and yours for life, and the Trademark License Agreement would stay in effect for the full 6 year term; you would only need to renew the Trademark License Agreement every 2 years.

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