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发布时间2015-07-08 所属分类:CE认证


产品名称/标准 检测项目名称 英文对照 备注
GB4943.1-2011EN60950-1 元器件 Clause 1.5 Components 不含元器件试验
电源接口 Clause 1.6 Power interface
标记和说明 Clause 1.7 Markings and instructions
电击和能量危险的防护 Clause 2.1 Protection from electric shock and energy hazards
安全特低电压(SELV)电路 Clause 2.2 SELV circuits
TNV电路 Clause 2.3 TNV circuits
限流电路 Clause 2.4 Limited current circuits
受限制电源 Clause 2.4 Limited current circuits 根据电路设计而定
接地和连接保护措施 Clause 2.6 Provisions for earthing and bonding
一次电路过流保护和接地故障保护 Clause 2.7 Overcurrent and earth fault protection in primary circuits
安全联锁装置 Clause 2.8 Safety interlocks
电气绝缘 Clause 2.9 Electrical insulation 包括:湿热试验
电气间隙、爬电距离和绝缘穿透距离 Clause 2.10 Clearances, creepage distances and distances through insulation
与其他设备的连接 Clause 3.2 Connection to an a.c. mains supply or a d.c. mains supply
布线 Clause 3.3 Wiring terminals for connection of external conductors
与交流电网电源的连接 Clause 4.1 Stability
外部导线用接线端子 Clause 3.3 Wiring terminals for connection of external conductors
稳定性和机械危险 Clause 4.1 Stability 包括:高温
机械强度和应力消除 Clause 4.2 Mechanical strength
结构细节 Clause 4.3 Design and construction
防火 Clause 4.4 Protection against hazardous moving parts 不含燃烧试验
发热要求(温升) Clause 4.5 Thermal requirements
外壳开孔 Clause 4.6 Openings in enclosures
防火 Clause 4.7 Resistance to fire
接触电流和保护导体电流 Clause 5.1 Touch current and protective conductor current
抗电强度 Clause 5.2 Electric strength
异常工作和故障条件 Clause 5.3 Abnormal operating and fault conditions
通信网络电路(TNV电路) Clause 6 Connection to telecommunication networks
外壳材料可燃性试验 Annex DD Flammability of plastic surface
锂电池随机试验 Clause 4.3.8 lithium battery
电动机试验 Annex B Motor Tests under abnormal conditions
变压器试验 Annex C Transformers
电磁兼容GB22450.1-2008YD1169.1-2001 传导杂散 Conduction Emission
辐射杂散 Radiated spurious emissions
传导连续骚扰 Conducted spurious emissions
辐射连续骚扰 Radiation Emission
谐波电流 harmonic
电压波动和闪烁 flick
静电放电 ESD
辐射抗扰 Radio Frequency Radiated susceptibility
电快速瞬变脉冲群 EFT/Burst Test
浪涌 Surge
射频场感应的传导骚扰抗扰度 CS
电压暂降和短时中断 DIPS (Voltage Drip)
电磁兼容GB13837-2012GB17625.1-2012 150kHz~30MHz端骚扰电压 CE
30MHz~2.15GHz天线端骚扰电压 RE
30MHz~1GHz辐射骚扰场强 RE
30MHz~300MHz骚扰功率 PE
30MHz~2.15GHz输出端有用信号和骚扰信号 RE
谐波电流 harmonic
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