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EUI-48 Address Block

发布时间2021-04-24 所属分类:未分类

术语MAC-48现在已过时。 MAC-48与EUI-48相似,即它是由IEEE RA分配的24位OUI和组织与该OUI分配所分配的24位扩展标识符的串联。解决现有基于802的联网应用程序中的硬件接口。从历史上讲,术语EUI-48用来标识设计实例,而不是硬件接口。示例包括软件接口标准(例如VGA),产品的型号以及特定于供应商的内容的形式/功能。 MAC-48和EUI-48之间的细微差别尚未得到很好的理解,因此该术语 现在,EUI-48可以同时用于两种用途,并且MAC-48标识符一词现在已过时。 (IEEE RAC不知道任何情况,但是如果将MAC-48用作任何48位MAC地址的名称,则EUI-48不是MAC-48的适当替代术语,因为EUI-48仅指单个,通用的网络地址。)
The term MAC-48 is now obsolete. The MAC-48 was similar to the EUI-48, i.e., it was a concatenation of a 24-bit OUI assigned by the IEEE RA and a 24-bit extension identifier assigned by the organization with that OUI assignment.However, it was used to address hardware interfaces within existing 802-based networking applications. The term EUI-48 was historically used to identify a design instance, as opposed to a hardware interface; examples include software interface standards (such as VGA), the model number for a product, and the form/function of vendor-specific content. The subtle difference between MAC-48 and EUI-48 was not well understood, so the term EUI-48 is now used for both uses, and the term MAC-48 identifier is now obsolete. (The IEEE RAC is not aware of any cases, but if MAC-48 is used as the name for any 48-bit MAC address, then EUI-48 is not the appropriate replacement term for MAC-48, as EUI-48 only refers to individual, universally/globally unique network addresses.)

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